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Our smartphone obsession is bordering on an epidemic. In an endeavour to absorb the relentless bombardment of content ceaselessly vying for our attention, we become transfixed by these glowing screens, momentarily disengaging with the world around us. The resulting technoference affects our real-world social interactions, with invisible ramifications jeopardising our relationships and emotional wellbeing. Ultimately, instead of keeping us connected, this very technology is disrupting our ability to maintain basic social interactions. And so the disconnect widens.

For more information about technoference, you can read my essay on this subject here.

Man Geddes (selected works)


Man Geddes is a humorous take on newborn photography, a genre that aims to capture the delicate physicality of newborn babies by presenting their beautiful features in an extremely flattering light. We buy into these images because they are so saccharine that we look beyond the ridiculousness of it all; in fact, it may be this mawkish quality that we find so appealing. And so inevitably I had to ask myself, what would happen if I employed this same photographic approach, but instead substituted newborns with middle-aged men?

Transient Nature (untitled #01)
Transient Nature (untitled #02)
Transient Nature (untitled #03)
Transient Nature (untitled #04)
Transient Nature (untitled #05)
Transient Nature (untitled #06)
Transient Nature (untitled #07)
Transient Nature (untitled #08)
Transient Nature (untitled #09)
Transient Nature (untitled #10)
Transient Nature (untitled #11)
Transient Nature (untitled #12)
Transient Nature (untitled #13)
Transient Nature (untitled #14)
Transient Nature (untitled #15)
Transient Nature (untitled #16)
Transient Nature


Society’s obsession with smartphones is bordering on an epidemic. Subsequently, the way in which we consume photographs on our devices–swiping away each image after the briefest of moments to accommodate our increasingly busy lifestyles and dwindling attention spans–results in us looking without really engaging. This series reflects on the transient nature of photographs in today’s tech-dependant culture.


In this study of light and form, the male body is juxtaposed with the beauty of the landscape. There is an almost grotesque quality emphasised through the use of texture and abstraction, while the drops of water adds an ethereal glow, blurring the line between body and landscape.

© George Poulakis Photography

Heidelberg, VIC, Australia

Heidelberg, VIC, 3084

© Copyright George Poulakis Photography
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