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Hold the camera firmly. If need be, use your body as a tripod.

Use the volume button as a shutter release.

Use the quick camera access.

• Tapping on different parts of the image will affect your focus and exposure.
• Hold your finger on part of the image to lock focus and exposure.

• Pre-focus for moving subjects.

• Use exposure compensation. After focussing, slide up/down (Apple) or left/right (Android) to over/under expose an image.


If you don’t have a zoom lens, use your feet instead!

• If you have multiple lenses, consider how they affect your image. As a rule of thumb:

  • A wide angle lens (.5) is good for landscapes and capturing spaces, as you can fit more of the scene into your composition.

  • A telephoto lens (2-3+) is good for subjects and objects, as this allows you to separate them from the background.

  • For a neutral perspective, aim for around x2 focal length.

Asymmetrical placement makes for a more interesting composition.

Your subject should look into the frame.

Rule of thirds; place your point of focus on an intersecting point.

Vary your angles; don’t just shoot from eye-level.


Hold down the shutter to capture a burst of images.

Great for capturing a fast-moving subject.

Consider locking focus first.

Choose the best shot, delete the rest.


This is great for capturing long exposures (eg. waterfalls, moving people).

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